Octopus News

Art & Typography

Last week I mentioned I might be doing something special with typography and art. I am just in the beginning stages of this, but I just couldn't wait to share. I love creating art so much, but I also love fonts. So this will be the perfect combination for me! The image above is of one of my abstract paintings featuring some hand lettering.

This second image is hand lettering combined with some doodle sketching to complement it. These different styles will lend to various uses for content going forward, and I have a feeling I'm not through discovery these typography+art styles yet. Check these out and more on the Quotes page of my website. Stay tuned for more!! 

Painting of Miu Miu sunglasses by Jeanette Getrost.

Painting of Miu Miu sunglasses by Jeanette Getrost.

Artist Spotlight- Jeanette Getrost

I discovered Jeanette Getrost A couple of years ago while scrolling on Instagram. I find her beautiful work pulls me forward and gives me new inspiration every time I see a new piece. She is an L.A. based fashion illustrator for huge brands like Chanel, Dior, Gucci, etc. I think the reason that she has been such a beacon for me, is that her art looks so flowy and effortless. I love her use of color and how she fills her art board space. There is also an air of mystery, since I never know what she's going to do next. Jeanette is featured on the AbsoluteArt.com as well as her own online Big Cartel shop. I LOVE her Instagram as well. Way to go Jeanette!!!


Okay, so it looks like I'm beginning to have a thing for interactive websites. Honestly though, you really do need to take a look at this amazing Google game called Quick Draw. Google has allowed people from all over the globe, to doodle simple basic items with their finger on their smartphones or tablets. For example, an apple, a notebook, or a calculator, are just a few out of hundreds of items in the library. Each one of these simple black on white line doodles are done in under 20 seconds, and the pattern in which each one is drawn is saved in the program. Then each sketch is stamped with that individual's country and date that it was illustrated.

When one of the doodles is clicked on, a short video will be played of that item being drawn before your eyes. It's literally like being on that person's tablet or phone watching them sketch this item. They come from Sweden, and New Zealand, and the US, and Thailand. There are sketches from everywhere. Do you know what the coolest thing that I noticed was? Even though each one was different, they were all recognizable, although someone who spoke a different language in a different place with a different social structure drew it. It kind of makes the world feel little smaller and more familiar. We need more of that!!!

Want to join the in creating over 50,000,000 doodles worldwide? Get started here!