The Process of Rebranding

Every once in a while it's time for reinvention. Old methods don't work anymore, spaces are altered, and most of all, your purpose changes. That's exactly why I've decided to dust off my graphic design skills and give Octopus Connection a refresh.

I'm not even sure you know where my brand name even came from… After all, what does an octopus have to do with art or design? 

I gave it so much thought back at the beginning, and decided that as a multidisciplinary artist, I needed more arms. So of course the octopus came to mind! It's a fun and adorable creature that is super intelligent and creative. It's been a treasure being associated with such a lovely being.

Did you know that the oldest known fossil ever found is from the octopus family from almost 300 million years ago? Cool, right? I'm still experimenting with the idea of including a visual octopus in my branding. Any thoughts on this are welcome!

Ironically though, I am largely inspired by the desert in Las Vegas in which I live. It's a far cry from an octopus habitat, but I have the pleasure of living on the outskirts of town where desert landscapes are plentiful and a beautiful state park is only a 20 minute drive away. It's quiet, serene, and picturesque to say the least.

Most of the wildlife blends so well with this habitat that you have to stand still for a long while to even see movement among the tiny birds, ground squirrels, road runners, and more.

If the desert has taught me anything, it's to be still and look within most days. If you really listen, there's a peace and a stillness that can transform from the inside out. It's magical, which is why I’m going to be including the desert theme in my branding as a whole.

In the meantime, I've come up with a super fun logo that I'm still testing out. It's artsy, it's lighthearted, and I think it really speaks to my creative spirit.  I will be revealing that element in the near future. 

For now though, I'm enjoying sharing with you the brand images and painted textures in this blog post that are currently inspiring this project. I knew I wanted to change up my website and update it at the end of 2021, but I never realized I'd be doing a full rebranding. It's been both fun and exciting while being a little nerve-racking as well.

Change, although necessary, does not come easily, and I don't take these kinds of updates lightly! There will be some recognition shock in the beginning, so watch for my posts on Instagram and other social media platforms to help with that adjustment.

I've decided that instead of a full wow moment of revealing an all new website to sign, I've decided to roll these changes out slowly. For example you may have noticed the header on my website has changed colors, and I’m working on more new changes very soon. 

In the meantime, I'll keep experimenting, discovering, and enjoying all the things that myself and Octopus Connection have evolved into. Have you been seeing some evolution in your life or work? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Oh, and lets keep in touch on Instagram!

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