The "Healthy" Artist's Mindset

The Healthy Artist's Mindset

As a creative, I spend lots of my time with other like-minded creators. In the last seven years that I've reconnected with my art, I hear what other artists think, say, and hope for. One constant that I've noticed, is that we are really hard on ourselves. We are critical, cruel masters, and we never think we do enough. Even though we pour over our work, do things to support others, and try to meet deadlines when we know we aren’t getting nourished quite adequately, we still press on. I don't know about you, but I've experienced burnout. It's not pretty and never want to do it again. 

If you're a creative and this is resonating, I have something for you! I've been inspired to write some positive messages I am calling The "Healthy" Artist Mindset. It's designed to keep us positive on a regular basis so that we can freely do the work that makes us happy. Wouldn’t it be great to have less creative block, frustration, procrastination, etc... 


With that in mind, I'm now starting my day with some positive affirmations. Simple things like "Anything is possible to those who stay the course." Or "Just follow the steps and success will follow." It's a matter thinking and feeling the right things, in order to keep moving in the direction of our dreams and goals.

When I realized the affirmations were having the right effect, I started pinning motivational quotes to a board in my Pinterest account. I was shocked by how many Saves, Repins, and Follows I received as a result! I guess we all need a reminder to do the obvious sometimes… 

Artist Mindset- Rough Strokes in Process- Quote.jpg

That's why I decided to create wallpapers with motivational quotes combined with artistic backgrounds. By surrounding ourselves with a fresh source of positivity, maintaining good attitudes will become easier over time. This in turn can spread to those in your own circle, since this is proven to be absolutely contagious.

I’d love to hear your take and your ways to stay positive when things get challenging. Share your tips below!

Chris VComment