All New Art Class, Inspiration Boards & Are you a Boss Girl?

All New Art Class!

I am so proud to publish my 10th class on this week! Inking with a Color Twist focuses on inking with watercolor accents. I have to partially thank Inktober for the inspiration, although I have been toying with the idea of an ink/watercolor class for a while now. Projects are created for beginning through advanced levels so there’s something for everyone.  Here is a free link in case you’re not a Skillshare member and you want to take a look.



Inspiration Boards

I’m so intrigued with inspiration boards. Artists and designers are using them for all sorts of things; to organize jobs, to forecast color trends, to design their fashion collections, etc.  Kind of like a bulletin board, but in digital form.  They have become a work of art in their own right. Granted, some effort must be put forth for them to be beautiful. I created the above inspiration board for my  Octopus Connection marketing suite.  They’re just a great way of seeing your work layed out in more of a display format.  It helps to better capture thought and even to imagine different ways you could use your board items.  For example, after seeing my logos and background picture formatted in this fashion, I had a much better idea of how to create my packaging materials and website home page.  I would love to hear from you about how you utilize them.  If you’re not already, how could you imagine using inspiration boards for your work? 




Want to Become a Boss Girl?

Just a few weeks ago I didn’t know what a Boss Girl was, but I sure wanted to find out. Jesabel, a Montreal transplant currently residing in Milan, Italy, started this concept, which I found very intriguing. Obviously, she she has the gift of motivation. After spending a couple of years sorting out how best to do business under the name Pier Manhattan, she is now sharing her newfound knowledge with the rest of us.  Her Facebook group, How to Become a Boss Girl, stems from her Skillshare class of the same name, and is centered on the idea of femprenuer collaborations.  I think this is quite genius since none of us seem to have all the resources we need at our fingertips all the time.  The idea is to find a fellow boss girl within the group, and collaborate on a project that results in a new resource or collateral to use for business.  

I am currently collaborating with two awesome boss girls.  Charlotte Robinson is an archivist in the UK who is starting a blog about digital treasure, called Archive Robin.  Olivia Głowacka is based in Chicago, and she is in the process of developing the Derive Travel Experience app and blog. It’s so much fun to compare notes with women doing business in different locations and in different industries! It looks like I will end up with an interview and a video about what my business offers with cross-links into their respective blogs.  Be seeing more about this in the later post.

The energy from these ladies is infectious, and I can’t wait to see what comes out of these projects. In the meantime, I am so enthused to check my Facebook at every opportunity to see what the boss girls are doing next. Thank you, Jesabel, for making business a lot more fun!

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